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The Government of Bulgaria invites students and teachers to a summer seminar on the Bulgarian language, literature and culture

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria has allocated 5 scholarships for Ukrainian students and university professors to participate in the annual summer seminar on the Bulgarian language, literature and culture. The offer will interest those who study Bulgarian and Slavic studies.

Applications for participation in the seminar will last until April 23, 2020.

The workshop will be held at:

  • St. Cyril and Methodius Velikotyrnovsky University, from 13/07 to 02/08/2020 (2 places);
  • St. Clement of Ohrid Sofia University, from 12/07 to 08/18/2020 (3 places).

The Bulgarian side provides participants with food, accommodation, educational and cultural programs. The offer does not cover travel expenses, as well as medical insurance.

When selecting candidates, preference will be given to applicants who study the Bulgarian language, literature and culture in institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

To participate in the seminar, you must submit:

Documents will be accepted in electronic and necessarily in paper formats (in 2 copies).

In electronic format, scanned PDF documents must be sent to the MES email address scholarshipsmon@gmail.com, indicating in the subject line the letter “Summer Workshop in Bulgaria 2020”.

Postal address: Victory Avenue 10, 01135, Kyiv, Ukraine,

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,

Office of International Cooperation and Protocol.

Note “Summer Workshop in Bulgaria 2020”.

Please leave documents in the mailbox.


Source: МESU

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