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In MES suggest introducing new pedagogical titles

This is stated in the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Amending the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 23, 2015 No. 1109“.

To pedagogical ranks The list of qualification categories and pedagogical ranks of pedagogical workers approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 23, 2015 No. 1109 “On approval of the list of qualification categories and pedagogical ranks of pedagogical workers and the procedure for their assignment” (Official Gazette of Ukraine, 2016, No. 2, Art. . 100) make the following changes.

1) the position “Teacher-methodologist” to exclude;

2) supplement with the following items:




The project is designed to:

  • enhancing the motivation of teachers to professional activities;
  • recognition of their personal achievements, taking into account the particularities of practical activity;
  • dissemination of best practices;
  • stimulation to expand the sphere of professional interests, self-realization and professional growth.

Source: schoollife.org.ua, МESU

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