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Ukrainian Startup Fund has announced a temporary suspension of applications from start-ups

In connection with updating the grant programs of the Ukrainian Startup Fund, the Fund’s Supervisory Board decided to temporarily suspend the acceptance of applications from startups from April 24 to May 11.

Updates to the grant program due to the receipt of a large number of feedback from representatives of startups and experts of the Fund over the past six months, which are designed to significantly improve the process and conditions for grants.

After the new grant program of the Fund comes into force, we advise all startups who plan to submit applications to get acquainted with it. If agreed, after two weeks, namely from May 11, all interested startups will be able to continue filing applications in the normal mode. We will additionally organize a webinar where we will explain the new products of the program and talk about the changes. keep for updates.

We emphasize that the updated Grant Program applies only to startups that have not yet submitted applications. For those whose applications are already under consideration, the current edition remains relevant.

Source: usf.com.ua

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