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Science Teens Platform lectures on science for teens kick off on September 29

Autumn lectures on science for teenagers 13-17 years old from the Science Teens Platform program start on September 29, 2020. The first lectures – on September  29 and October 7 – will be devoted to the properties of the atmosphere and anatomy of scientific discoveries, their registration is already open.

The lecture “Atmosphere – the planet’s air blanket and the precondition of life on Earth” will take place on September 29 at 19:00. It is read by Svitlana Krakovska – climatology, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior researcher at the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute of the DSS of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

She will tell about the atmosphere as an important component of the Earth’s climate system, the physical and chemical properties of the atmosphere, its composition, structure and weather phenomena.

The lecture “The anatomy of discovery. How I heard a heartbeat in space” will be held on October 7 at 19:30. The lecturer will be astrophysicist Jakub Bohinsky, a Polish representative of the Advisory Committee of the educational program of the European Space Agency, a scientist who was the first to see a new type of star – double AR Scorpii.

The scientist will tell how researchers are preparing for scientific discoveries and making them in the 21st century. The lecture will be held in English.

Registration for the lectures is already open via the link.

In general, in the fall of 2020, Science Teens Platform will hold 4 lectures on Ukrainian and European scientists. Lectures are free and are designed for teenagers 13-17 years old.


Science Teens Platform – is a project of the Inscience organization, which aims to popularize science among adolescents, help them learn about themselves and the world around them through science, and encourage schoolchildren to create startups and technology projects.

The program is funded by the governments of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia with Visegrad grants from the International Visegrad Fund. The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine provides Science Teens Platform with information support.

Source: МESU

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