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Competition for the award of the CMU for the development and implementation of innovative technologies in 2020 announced

The competition for the Prize of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the development and implementation of innovative technologies in 2020 has begun. The corresponding announcement was posted on the MES website on June 1, 2020.

The award can be received by works, the result of which innovative projects are implemented. Up to 5 prizes are awarded annually, each now amounts to UAH 200 000.

To qualify for the Prize, enterprises, institutions and organizations must submit an application by August 1 to the ministries or other central educational institutions, the National Academy of Sciences, and the National Academies of Medical or Agricultural Sciences. For their part, they must select up to 5 works and submit them by October 1 to the Ministry of Education and Science.

Further competitive selection is carried out by the Prize Committee, and the final approval of the winners is carried out by the Government.

The list and forms of documents, requirements for their execution, the submission procedure and contact information can be found here.

It is important to note that the selection of winners for 2019 is also ongoing. In total, 18 works were submitted to the competition. The determination of the laureates and the awarding of prizes should have taken place in May, however, due to quarantines, the dates had to be slightly adjusted. The Committee, where proposals for the winners should be approved, will be held before the end of June. Prizes should be tentatively due in mid-July.

Information: The Prize of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the development and implementation of innovative technologies was founded on August 1, 2012. It is awarded annually on a competitive basis and awarded to Science Day. The prize is awarded to the best scientists and inventors for the development and implementation of innovative technologies and the introduction of domestic innovative products on the market. Since 2013, 5 prizes have been awarded annually, with the exception of 2017 only, when 4 prizes were awarded, and 2015, when the prize was not intended at all.

Source: МESU

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