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Music in quarantine. Ukrainian portable guitar hit on Kickstarter

Guitar Jammy EVO from a Ukrainian startup raised more than $ 130,000 on the website for financing creative projects Kickstarter.

After startup Jammy Instruments launched a campaign for Jammy EVO on Kickstarter, $ 50,000 needed were collected in just an hour.

Moreover – in the first 20 minutes the company received 100 orders, and on the second day of the project it was possible to raise $ 130,000.

Jammy EVO is Jammy Instruments’ second portable digital MIDI guitar. The tool is 43 cm long and can fit in a backpack. When connected to a DAW (digital audio station) on a computer or smartphone, it can sound like any instrument.

Jammy EVO has a new generation of optical sensors that reduce latency up to 8-10 ms, as well as improve MIDI tracking. The company plans – a version for left-handed people. The cost of the Becker device is $ 299.

The company’s first product, the Jammy MIDI Guitar, raised over $ 260,000 at Indiegogo and also received the Red Dot 2020 award for product design. Jammy wins the award for “Futurism and Guitar Classics in Design” and its modular design.

Source: nv.ua

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