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The neural network finds crowds of people without masks. Ukrainians are among the creators

Hlab.AI has developed a neural network that can locate crowds without masks by analyzing videos. Hlab.AI is engaged in the development of artificial intelligence (AI), has offices in Ukraine and Germany, and one of its founders – Vitaliy Goncharuk, founder of Augmented Pixels.

This service works with conventional surveillance cameras. It can find and memorize the faces of people without masks so that people can later be identified or held accountable. It works like this:

As Goncharuk told AIN.UA, the maskless facial recognition service is a point decision, the company is engaged in wider tasks, doing business-AI. Such a service may, for example, be used by a company that wants to ensure that its employees do not violate the mode of wearing masks at the enterprise.

According to Goncharuk, the service is accurate enough to give up manual processing of videos by 80% in similar tasks, and by 90% in systems where there are photo databases.

“We do not have the goal to bring this figure to 99.99%, its quality is enough to use right now. In any case, the final decision and responsibility in such systems is for the person, we do not want to replace him in such important matters’, – says the co-founder of the company.

According to him, they will not use the service for licensing in Ukraine because of the difficulties with the legislation. But the team is in talks with the public sector of other countries where possible.

“I am not a fan of digital control, but in the case of epidemics, only a number of these and other measures can allow us to recoil into the Stone Age’, – Goncharuk said.

Source: ain.ua

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