

The President of Ukraine:

On the appointment of lifetime state scholarships to outstanding scientists, 20/07/2012

On approval of the Regulation on the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine, 08/04/2011

On financial support for innovative activities of enterprises of strategic importance for the economy and state security, 20/04/2004

On measures to protect intellectual property in Ukraine, 27/04/2001

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:

On the approval of the Rules for the III stage of the All-Ukrainian competition for the protection of scientific research works of students – members of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 06/04/2020

On the approval of the Regulations on the Competition Commission for the selection of applicants for state nominal scholarships for the best young scientists to perpetuate the events of the Revolution of Dignity and honor the feat of the Heroes of Ukraine – Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, 28/12/2019

Some questions of the formation of the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, 04/11/2019

Requirements for a published monograph, submitted for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences, 23/09/2019

On the publication of the results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences, 23/09/2019

On the approval of the documents forms for the attestation file of the applicant for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 22/04/2019

On approval of the Regulations on the Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the selection of applicants for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Prize for young scientists, nominal scholarships of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for young scientists – doctors of science and consideration of scientific reports of scholars, 19/04/2019

On amendments to the Regulation on the National Educational Electronic Platform, 19/04/2019

On approval of the Procedure for ensuring access of higher educational institutions and scientific institutions to electronic scientific databases, 27/02/2019

The procedure for maintaining the State register of scientific objects that constitutes a national treasure, 13/11/2018

The procedure for resolving issues on granting a scientific object (depriving a scientific object) of status such that constitutes a national treasure, 13/11/2018

Some questions of scientific objects that constitute a national treasure, 13/11/2018

Regulations on the expert commission for the state certification of scientific institutions, 17/09/2018

Regulation on expert groups for assessing the effectiveness of scientific institutions, 17/09/2018

Some issues of state certification of scientific institutions, 17/09/2018

On approval of the Regulations for the work of the National Repository of Academic Texts, 04/07/2018

On approval of the Procedure for the formation of the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, 15/01/2018

On amendments to the Procedure for providing information on the main results of scientific, scientific, technical, innovative activity and in the field of technology transfer, 21/09/2017

On approval of the Procedure for holding a competition for the selection of representatives and experts to the committees responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Horizon 2020 European Union Research and Innovation Framework Program, 23/06/2017

On approval of the Regulation on the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine holding a competitive selection of scientific and technical (experimental) developments by state order, 09/02/2017

On approval of the Regulation on the national contact point of the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation “Horizon 2020″, 08/12/2016

On approval of the form of the Technology Registration Card and its components and instructions for its design, 09/11/2015

On approval of the forms for the provision and generalization of information on the directions of use of funds acquired as a result of transfer of technologies created at the expense of the state budget, and payment of remuneration to the authors of such technologies, 13/03/2014

On approval of the application form for consideration of the innovation project, the form of the innovation project and the Procedure for conducting state examination of innovative projects, 30/07/2013

On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for granting a patent of Ukraine for an invention protected by the USSR copyright certificate, 29/06/2005

On the approval of document forms on the issue of control marks to importers, exporters and reproducers of copies of audiovisual works, phonograms, videograms, computer programs, databases and instructions for exercising state control over compliance with intellectual property laws, 04/05/2005

On approval of the Instruction on the procedure for familiarizing any person with the application materials for an object of intellectual property right, 22/04/2005

On approval of the Procedure for recognition of a mark as well-known in Ukraine by the Appeals Chamber of the State Department of Intellectual Property, 15/04/2005

On approval of the rules for the use of computer programs in educational institutions, 02/12/2004

On approval of the Regulation on the procedure for monitoring the implementation of innovative projects in priority areas of technology parks, 17/04/2003

On approval of the Rules for the compilation, filing and consideration of an application for registering the topography of an integrated circuit, 18//04/2002

On the approval of the Rules for the consideration of applications for inventions and applications for utility models, 15/03/2002

On approval of the Instructions on the grant of patents of Ukraine for secret inventions that are protected by copyright certificates of the USSR for secret inventions, 11/03/2002

On approval of the Regulation on the State Register of Patents of Ukraine for Inventions, 12/04/2001

On approval of the Regulation on the State Register of Patents of Ukraine for Industrial Designs, 12/04/2001


Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine:

On approval of the Regulation on the Expert and Appeal Council on licensing issues, 03/02/2020

Regulations on the State Register of Intellectual Property Representatives (Patent Attorneys), 19/07/2019

On approval of regulations on the certification of representatives in intellectual property (patent attorneys) and maintaining the state register of representatives in intellectual property (patent attorneys), 19/07/2019

On approval of the form of conclusion regarding the economic efficiency of the investment project, 27/05/2020

On approval of the Procedure for maintaining the register of sectoral budget support programs of the European Union, 19/04/2019 

On recognizing as invalid the order of the State Agency of Ukraine for Investment and Development from November 23, 2010 No. 122, 11/03/2019

On approval of the Instructions for the preparation of materials on administrative offenses by state inspectors on the intellectual property of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, 13/02/2019

On approval of a unified form of an act drawn up based on the results of a planned (unscheduled) measure of state supervision (control) on compliance by a business entity with the requirements of legislation in the field of intellectual property, and the form of an order to eliminate violations identified during a planned (unscheduled) measure of state supervision (control) ) on compliance by a business entity with the requirements of legislation in the field of intellectual property, 29/01/2019

On approval of the unified form of the act, which is drawn up based on the results of a planned (unscheduled) measure of state supervision (control) over the licensee’s compliance with the Licensed conditions for the implementation of tour operator activities and other forms of administrative documents, 08/01/2019

On approval of the Conditions for the competitive selection of projects for state incentives for the creation and use of inventions (utility models) and industrial designs, 14/12/2018

On approval of the Procedure for filling out and using the funds of the state incentive fund for the creation and use of inventions (utility models) and industrial designs, 14/12/2018

On approval of the Regulation on the competitive selection of projects for state incentives for the creation and use of inventions (utility models) and industrial designs, 12/12/2018

On approval of the form of the register of documents submitted by the initiator of the creation – a business entity, a management company, a participant in an industrial (industrial) park, to determine the list and volumes of import into the customs territory of Ukraine of equipment, equipment and components for them, materials that are not produced in Ukraine that are not excisable goods and are exempt from duty, 30/10/2018

The minimum number of works and the maximum number of authors of the corresponding types of works for the purposes of rating voting to determine the persons participating in the meeting of delegates from among the copyright holders – individuals, transferred to the management of the state organization “Ukrainian Agency for Copyright and Related Rights” their property copyrights, 08/10/2018

On the approval of the Procedure for rating voting, the minimum number of works and the maximum number of authors of the corresponding types of works for the purposes of rating voting to determine the persons participating in the meeting of delegates from among the copyright holders – individuals, those belonging to the State Organization “Ukrainian Agency for Copyright and Related Rights” its property copyright, 08/10/2018

On approval of the form of information on public investment projects and investment projects for the implementation of which state support is provided, 02/08/2018


Ministry of Community and Territory Development of Ukraine:

On amendments to the Regulation on the Competition Commission for the selection of regional development projects that can be implemented at the expense of the state budget received from the European Union, 15/04/2020

On amendments to the Procedure for assessing regional development projects that can be implemented using state budget funds received from the European Union, 15/04/2020

On the approval of the Procedure and requirements for the design, manufacture and placement of information plates (stickers) with the logo of the state regional development fund, which are used to identify investment programs and regional development projects financed with the involvement of budgetary funds, 27/07/2018


National Commission on Securities and Stock Market:

On amendments to the provisions on the procedures for registering the issue of investment certificates of an investment fund and an investment company and information on their issue, 15/11/2018


Ministry of Finance of Ukraine:

On approval of the Procedure for the application of measures to promote the protection of intellectual property rights and interaction of customs authorities with rightsholders, declarants and other interested persons and Amendments to some regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, 09/06/2020

On amendments to the Procedure for registration in the customs register of intellectual property objects protected in accordance with the law, 09/06/2020

On approval of Amendments to the Instruction on business trips within Ukraine and abroad, 13/04/2020

On amendments to the Instruction on the status of responsible executors of budget programs and the specifics of their participation in the budget process, 15/03/2019

On approval of the Procedure for the formation of an open list of independent auditors within the framework of joint operational programs for cross-border cooperation of the European Neighborhood Instrument 2014-2020, 19/12/2018

On approval of the Regulation on the Interdepartmental Working Group on the implementation of innovative technological solutions for registering settlement transactions in the field of trade (including trade using the Internet), catering, purchase and sale of foreign currency, trade through vending machines for the sale (provision) of goods (services) ), the provision of cash reception services for the further transfer, transportation of passengers and others after, 26/11/2018


Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine:

On approval of the Form of an agreement on the cheapening of loans raised for the implementation of innovative or investment projects, 07/05/2007


Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine:

ПOn the terms of remuneration for workers of regional centers of innovative development, 01/10/2007


State Patent Office of Ukraine:

On approval of the Regulation on a certificate for a rationalization proposal and the procedure for its issuance, 22/08/1995