A scholarship program has been launched for Ukrainian scientists in the field of nonproliferation, disarmament and arms control

The Vienna Center for Disarmament and NonProliferation has launched a new program for training Ukrainian specialists, the Emergency Fellowship Program – Ukraine (EFPU).

This Program was launched through Russia’s military actions on the territory of Ukraine to support the research of scientists and experts on nuclear weapons control, non-proliferation and disarmament in European institutions.

The EFPU will provide short-term (3 to 6 months) fellowships ($3,000 per month) to Ukrainian scientists and experts, enabling research to be conducted at European think tanks, universities, and NGOs.

The program is open to citizens of Ukraine working on non-proliferation, disarmament and arms control (including nuclear security and export control), as well as received a master’s degree or have a doctorate / doctoral education.

Applicants can be experts and practitioners such as scientists or researchers from universities, non-university research institutions, think tanks and research centers in Ukraine.

Detailed information on how to apply for participation in the EFPU program can be found here.


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