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Tesla files a lawsuit against a startup that works in the field of electric vehicles

Tesla filed a lawsuit against Rivian, an electric vehicle startup for the possible leak of confidential information.

This writes The Verge.

The publication reports that Tesla discovered “disturbing behavior” of former employees who, when looking for a new job, also took with them confidential information and information constituting a trade secret.

However, the company claims Rivian “knowingly encourages” such behavior.

Tesla blames Rivian and four of its former employees directly. In addition, the company claims that it has identified additional persons who could also kidnap and take confidential information with them to the new employer.

The Rivian startup itself said such accusations were “unfounded”. According to a company representative, when employed at Rivian, all employees are required to confirm that they have not used and will not use the intellectual property of the former employer in the future.

The publication says that Rivian has raised more than $ 5 billion in funding over the past year and a half. In preparation for the launch of its electric vehicles, Rivian has hired about 2,400 employees from leading companies in the automotive and tech industries, including 178 former Tesla employees.

Out of the total number of these workers, 70 made a direct transition from Tesla to Rivian, according to the lawsuit.

Source: epravda.com.ua

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