A venture fund QPDigital for $ 100 million was launched in Ukraine. They are looking for startups

A new venture fund, QPDigital, in the amount of $ 100 million, has started operating in Ukraine. This is one of the projects of the Quarter Partners investment company. The launch of the AIN.UA fund was announced by the press service of the company.

The fund specializes in early rounds of investments, from pre-seed to round A. Average check – $ 500,000. The fund already has six transactions in its portfolio for a total of $ 2.6 million, among projects: Watched, WareTeka, ABM Cloud, Doc.UA and others. Industries that are of interest to the fund:

  • IT logistics;
  • digital healthcare;
  • gamedev;
  • blockchain;
  • Artificial Intelligence.

Startups that meet the selection criteria can apply through the fund’s website.

“Our key task is to bring startups to Round B with maximum valuation and a sustainable business model”, – says Denis Valvachev, CEO and Managing Partner of QPDigital.

Among the partners of the fund: Sigma Software, Startup Network, Lift99, Fedoriv Group and others.

Quarter Partners is an investment group created by Ukrainian entrepreneur Andriy Ivanov. He has joint assets with Vasily Khmelnitsky. The total volume of transactions of Quarter Partners, according to the company, is about $ 5 billion.

Source: ain.ua

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